Note: REINS 2012 graduate student recruitment has been completed.
I am glad to announce that REINS is recruiting several graduating students to become REINS new members who will conduct researches under the supervision of Prof. Chen. Our researches cover topics including but not limited to cloud computing, distributed computing, web services, service-oriented architecture and software engineering.
Research Themes
We are currently focusing on research themes such as service computing, cloud federation, resource management and data management. These things are really interesting and there are many many open questions and unsolved problems that we can set out to tackle with, both to have fun and to have our voices heard in the corresponding academic circles.
Hardware Resources
Here is another reason for you to join us. We have the greatest hardware resources among all the labs and groups in school of software. Each REINS member has 2 PCs averagely, one for personal use and the other for performing experiments. In addition, all our PCs are equipped with widescreen monitors whose sizes range from 17' to 21'. It is no doubt fantastic to be able to work under such a rich environment.
How to Contact us
If you are interested in our research areas and ready to join our group, let us know by sending your resume to Chen Haopeng with your research interests (English resume is not required, but highly recommended). If you have any questions regrading us, please do not hesitate to contact us; we are more than happy to hear from you.