REINS has been actively focused on cloud computing for nearly 3 years, and we have sucessfully performed many research works covering topics from cloud resource management, cloud federation, data management to bigdata crowdsourcing. This year we are pleased to be informed that 2 our papers have been accepted by CLOUD 2013 and CLOUDPERF 2013, which was held at Santa Clara, CA, USA.
In the first paper, "Towards Win-win: Multi-objective Constrained Resource Management in Cloud Federation", we analyzes the motivation of building cloud federation and the models of cloud federation, and proposes a design of the framework of multi-objective constrained resource management for cloud federation, which is composed of the cloud federation center and the extended cloud federation enabling components of cloud providers. The key technique of resource management in cloud federation is also discussed in this paper, including dynamic profit-driven resource provisioning, availability-aware placement and power-saved consolidation. The proposed framework could satisfy various requirements of the different roles in cloud federation and reach a win-win target.
In the other paper, RMORM: A framework of Multi-objective Optimization Resource Management in Clouds, we design a multi-objective serial optimization with priorities approach, named RMORM, to find the resource deployment in clouds rapidly. This approach is of great practical significance and engineering value and scalable to add new constraints.
The above pictures were shot at the ICWS/SCC/CLOUD/BigData/MS 2013, which took place at Santa Clara, CA, USA.