REINSians attended SCC 2016 with one presentation: AERS: An Autonomic and Elastic Resource Scheduling Framework for Cloud Applications.
In the paper, we design a framework called AERS (Autonomic and Elastic Resource Scheduling Framework). AERS makes full use of the profits of both proactive controllers and reactive controllers in the field of dynamic resource provision. It can not only adjust the number of available VMs for cloud applications with the fluctuation of workloads but also react fast when cloud applications break SLAs. In addition, We build a model for the availability of cloud applications. Based on this model, we propose an availability-aware and communication overhead optimized placement strategy integrated into AERS to help CAPs choose proper availability zones for launching VMs.
The above picture was shot at the SCC 2016, which took place at San Francisco, USA, June 27 - July 2, 2016.