We focus on crowdsourcing paradigm for the first time, and we put forward a series of approach in the field of quality control of crowdsourcing. This year we are pleased to be informed that our paper has been accepted by ICA3PP 2013, which was held at Sorrento,Italy.
Crowdsourcing has become a prospective paradigm for commercial purposes in the past decade, since it is based on a simple but powerful concept that virtually anyone has the potential to plug in valuable information, which brings a lot of benefits such as low cost and high immediacy, particularly in some location-based services (LBS). On the other side, there also exist many problems need to be solved in crowdsourcing. For example, the quality control for crowdsourcing systems has been identified as a significant challenge, which includes how to handle massive data more efficiently, how to discriminate poor quality content in workers’ submission and so on.
In this paper, we put forward an approach to control the crowdsourcing quality by evaluating workers’ per-formance according to their submitted contents. Our experiments have demon-strated the effectiveness and efficiency of the approach.
The above pictures were shot at the ICA3PP 2013, which took place at Sorrento, Italy, 2013.12.18-2013.12.21.