REINS has been actively focused on cloud computing for the recent several years. So far we have successfully conducted many research works ranging from cloud resource management to hybrid cloud storage systems. Recently, in the 16th International Conference on High Performance and Communication (HPCC), we are pleased to present two our papers in the conference which is held in Paris, France during August 20-22, 2014.
Inspired by the gap between the prevalence of studies on hybrid storage systems and the lack of those particularly regarding offering block storage for VMs, by adding features to Ceph, a famous object-based storage system, Sixiang designed and implemented a prototype hybrid storage system called MOBBS to solve the challenging issues confronted when providing block storage for VMs leveraging multiple storage devices. Such system is able to provide VMs with block devices managed by the Hybrid Pool which allows dynamic data partition migration at the level of objects according to real-time workloads. Thereby, MOBBS provides both cost savings and performance improvements than original Ceph.
In another paper, Cost-Optimized Resource Provision for Cloud Applications, we propose a cost-optimized resource provision approach which achieves the cost-saving target for application providers. In our approach, we figure out the projection between workload and VM amount according to predicted workload. By exploiting pricing policies of existing cloud providers, our approach presents a hybrid resource provision solution, which involves instances of different prices and leasing durations.
The above picture was shot at the HPCC 2014, which took place at Paris, France, 2014.08.20-2014.08.22