Current Research Project
Autonomic Scalability of P2P Key-value Stores in Cloud (A poster for the published paper)
I participated in this research project when visiting the REINS research group to which I contributed two systems as below: - Cloud Master: a system for on-demand provision of Xen-based Virtual Machine
- Task system: a system to execute multi-step tasks automatically, such as experiments
- Participated in design of data movement policy for Open Chord, an open-source implementation of the Chord DHT protocol
- Analyzed and improved the source code of Open Chord for higher performance on handling concurrent query
Fig.0 Cloud Master system layout
Fig.1 Cloud Master console
Fig.2 An execution of task in the Task System - An Integrated Environment for Distributed Experiments
I am upgrading the Task system to create an integrated environment for running distributed experiments.
Pending Topics
- In Cloud Master -- a mimic cloud platform, it tasks over one minute to start a virtual machine (VM), because the hardware is not powerful enough. If there are frequent requests for starting or stopping a VM, is there any scheme to starting a VM more quickly, like in the level of second, from the view of platform users?
Past Research Project
IEEE MicroMouse Maze Solving
I led this embedded project and it targeted at the 2008 IEEE MicroMouse Competition. My responsibilities included:
- Built a simulator to simulate the maze solving process and to carry out a lot of experiments
- Designed algorithms to generate mazes randomly and to find the shortest path of a maze
- Setup metrics to evaluate efficiency of algorithms for path searching
- Designed data structures to store maze information within limited memory
- Designed an algorithm to predict impassable paths
Fig.3 IEEE MicroMouse Simulator -
Personal Healthcare System
I led this PRP(Participation in Research Program) project.
It targeted at a web-based healthcare system for self-service disease diagnosis and tracing historical records of health.
- Responsible for designing database schema and system architecture
- Analyzed the process of disease diagnosis by doctor and setup mathematical model for disease diagnosis
- Designed and implemented the module of self-service disease diagnosis
Fig.4 Healthcare Disease Diagnosis -
Chinese Word Segmentation Based on Dictionary and Statistical Rules
This project was for the graduation thesis of my undergraduate study.
It targeted at improving the disambiguation of Maximal Matching algorithms.
- Designed and implemented a Trie-Tree-based data structure to index Chinese words to improve speed of query
- Generated rules for word segmentation by statistical analys is of training corpus
- Setup mathematical model and improved disambiguation of Maximal Matching algorithm
Fig.5 Chinese Word Segmentation