Welcome to Course SE318! (Fall 2013)
Note: this page is for fall 2013 and thus is no longer active!
What you will learn- Introduction to architecture of enterprise apps
- Definition and content of architecture, Qualification of architects
- Features of Arch. Of Enterprise Apps, Architectural Styles, Architectural Views
- Quality Attributes of architecture
- Performance, Availability, Modifiability and Security, Testability and Usability
- Web Services
- Searching, Java EE Web Service, .NET Web Service, RESTful Web Services
- Service Oriented Service
- Basics of SOA, ESB, SOAD
- Arch. Patterns for Enterprise Apps
- Common patterns, Performance tuning patterns
- Offline concurrency patterns, Data source patterns
- Session management patterns
Agenda and Slides
- Chapter 1: Overview, Sep. 11th, 2013 (download)
- Chapter 2: Architecture and architect, Sep. 13th, 2013 (download)
- Chapter 3: Architectural styles, Sep. 18th, 2013 (download)
- Chapter 4: Architectural views, Sep. 25th, 2013 (download)
- Chapter 5: Availability, Sep. 25th, 2013 (download)
- Chapter 6: Performance, Sep. 27th, 2013 (download)
- Chapter 7: Modifiability and Security, Sep. 29th, 2013 (download)
- Chapter 8: Testability and Usability, Oct. 8th, 2013 (download)
- Chapter 9: Searching, Oct. 11th, 2013 (download)
- Chapter 10: Web Services, Oct. 16th, 2013 (download)
- Chapter 11: SOA, Oct. 16th, 2013 (download)
- Chapter 12: SBSD, Oct. 18th, 2013 (download)
- Chapter 13: DB Design patterns, Oct. 22nd, 2013 (download)
- Chapter 14: DB Accessing patterns, Oct. 25th, 2013 (download)
- Chapter 15: Service patterns, Oct. 30th, 2013 (download)
- Chapter 16: Session patterns, Nov. 1st, 2013 (download)