About Him
He is good at CSS, JS and HTML. You can ask him any questions regarding front-end programming.
Research Interests
Resource Management, Cloud Federation
Master Thesis
He got his bachelor degree also in SJTU, School of Software. His research in his undergraduate period mainly focuses on the formalization of software. More specifically, He put much emphasis on the research and implementation on the workflow modeling based on SOFL (stands for Structured Object-oriented Formal Language). If you have any questions, please contact him by emails.
His research in postgraduate period is about Cloud Federation, which is a new concept of computing model in Cloud Computing. The aim of Cloud Federation is to implement the cooperation and communication among Clouds in order to solve the possible coming overload problem in single Cloud.
His recent research can be mainly divided into two parts. The first part is to carry out an algrithm using in Cloud Federation, dealing with resource assignment. The key point is to arrange several complementary services running on a node and ensure that this node is not overloaded meanwhile its resources are fully used. The second part is to deal with the billing and accounting problem in Cloud Federation. Its aim is to perform a formula or algrithm calculating profits of Cloud Federation and make references for a Cloud provider about the decision of insourcing, outsourcing or shuting down local resources.
- Haopeng Chen, Wenting Wang, Wenyun Dai, Xi Chen, Yisheng Wang, Towards Win-win: Multiobjective Constrained Resource Management in Cloud Federation, The Application and Experience track of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2013), Santa Clara, CA, USA, 2013.06.27-2013.07.02 [pdf]
- Yisheng Wang, Haopeng Chen, Dynamic Resource Arrangement in Cloud Federation, The 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC 2012), Pages: 50-57, Guilin, China, 2012.12.06-2012.12.08, ISBN: 978-1-4673-4825-6 [pdf] [bibtex]
- Yisheng Wang, Haopeng Chen, Extension on Transactional Remote Services in SOFL, 2nd Workshop on SOFL (WSOFL 2012), Kyoto, Japan, 2012.11.03
- Yisheng Wang, Qing Zheng, Haopeng Chen, Soflipse: Tool for Automatic Modelling and Reviewing SOFL Workflows, International Journal of Computing Technology and Information Security, ISSN 2231-1998, PP.88-98, VOL. 1, NO. 1, MARCH 2011 [pdf] [bibtex]
This page was last updated on Apr. 30th, 2013 by REINS web ops.