About Her
Research Interests
Storage Systems; Database Systems; Distributed System
DASC 2011
Master Thesis
She passed her master thesis defense on Jan.4th, 2012, and will receive the master's degree in Computer Applied Technology in Mar. 2012. From Sep. 2009 to Jan. 2012, she did research as a graduate student at REINS group under the supervision of Prof. Chen Haopeng during her graduate study. Her research area was storage system and cloud computing, and worked on problems involving resource management in P2P data stores in cloud. In 2009, she received the bachelor's degree in Software Engineering at School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She joined REINS group as an undergradate student in 2008, and her undergraduate research was related to service discovery for SOA applications. More about her in her cv (updated Jan 11th, 2012).
ALARM: Autonomic Load-Aware Resource Management for P2P Key-value Stores in Cloud
This project aims for autonomic load-aware resource management that can be used to manage physical machines or virtual machines in cloud, which participate in a P2P key-value store.
In this project, her responsibilities involves:
(View original size) - Designed an algorithm for P2P data stores deployed in cloud to scale up or down according to system workload
- Applied the algorithm to Open Chord, an open-source implementation of Chord DHT protocol
- Used the WorldCup98 logs as the dataset to simulate client query requests to verify effectiveness of the algorithm
- Summarized the work and wrote a research paper (published in proceedings of DASC2011)
Service Evaluating and Discovering on the Internet
This project was to resolve problems of service discovery and ranking according to Quality of Service (QoS), supported by National High-Tech Research Development Program (863 program).
(View original size) - Her main responsibility was designing and implementing an Tabu-based algorithm for dynamic service substitution in Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA) applications
- Also, summarized the work and wrote a research paper (published in proceedings of APSCC2011)
Visualization of Multi-threaded Programs based on Detours
In this project, a Visual Studio 2005 plug-in was implemented to display behaviors (create, sleep, wait/notify) of threads in a swim lane diagram by intercepting the Win32 APIs with Detours developed by Microsoft Research.
(View original size) - Her responsibility was to resolve key technical problems like interception of Win32 APIs through Detours tool and inter-process communication between user programs and the plug-in
- Organized weekly team meetings; Documented the work and wrote a technical report about Detours
- Learn more about the project in the report and the user manual
Past Projects
Course projects for Neural Network Principles and Application (Java)
The course projects for Neural Network Principles and Application are individual projects, and algorithms in neural network (like BP algorithm) are implemented and applied to solve real problems.
(View original size) - In the first project, she implemented the back propagation (BP) algorithm with Java (Report) to solve the two-spiral problem (Problem Description)
- In the second project, she implemented multi-class SVM classification (Report) based on the LibSVM package (Problem Description)
(View original size) - In the final project, she solved the maze problem using a well-known reinforcement learning algorithm called Q-learning (Report)
Paralleled CF (Collaborative Filtering) algorithms (Matlab)
The CF algorithms fall into two categories: Memory-based algorithms and Model-based algorithms. In this project, the team implemented three paralleled algorithms, two from Memory-based, and one from Model-based.
(View original size) - Parallelized two memory-based CF algorithms (with Pearson Correlation and with Vector Similarity) with MatlabMPI, a Matlab implementation of the standard MPI interface.
- Tested performance of the two parallelized CF algorithms with EachMovie Data Set
Website Diagnoser (Java)
The group designed and implemented a website diagnoser, which examined possible vulnerability of a website to malicious attacks like SQL injection, and generated diagnosis reports. The program found bugs in about 10 active websites in the university with the SQL injection strategies.
(View original size) - In this project, her responsibilities includes designing SQL injection strategies to examine a webpage, and implementing the SQL injection module, the GUI, and the report generation module
Summer project - Knight Moves (Java)
(View original size) - Designed and implemented three algorithms to find the minimum number of moves needed for a knight to reach one point from another in chess; Displayed these algorithms with Java Swing.
- The program ranked 2nd among 108 Java solutions of the problem No.1915 in PKU JudgeOnline system
- Can Zhang, Haopeng Chen, Shuotao Gao, ALARM: Autonomic Load-Aware Resource Management for P2P Key-value Stores in Cloud, 2011 Ninth IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Sydney, Pages:404-410, Australia, 2011.12.12-2011.12.14, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4612-4/11 [pdf] [bibtex]
- Can Zhang, Haopeng Chen, Jinbo Du, A Tabu Search Approach for Dynamic Service Substitution in SOA Applications, 2011 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, Pages:284-289, Jeju, Korea, 2011.12.12-2011.12.15, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4624-7 [pdf] [bibtex]
- Haopeng Chen, Can Zhang, Guang Yang, A Model for Managing and Discovering Services Based on Dynamic Quality of Services, JOURNAL OF NETWORKS ISSN 1796-2056, PP.888-895, VOL. 5, NO. 8, AUGUST 2010. [EI]: 20103413187845 [pdf] [bibtex]
- Jinbo Du, Haopeng Chen, Can Zhang, A Heuristic Approach with Branch Cut to Service Substitution in Service Orchestration, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST 2009), PP.59-67, Shanghai, China, 2009.12.17-2009.12.19, ISBN:978-0-7695-3932-4. [EI]: 20101312805248 [pdf] [bibtex]
- Haopeng Chen, Guang Yang, Can Zhang, A Closed-loop Mechanism for Service Evaluating and Discovering on the Internet, Proceedings of 2009 Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC (NCM 2009), PP.1-8, Seoul, Korea, 2009.8.25-2009.8.27, ISBN:978-0-7695-3769-6. [EI]: 20100212622322 [pdf] [bibtex]
This webpage was updated by Zhang Can on Jan. 12th, 2012